
Milos Nesic was born in Belgrade, Serbia in 1979. Growing up in unstable period during 1990’s, Milos was rediscovering his interests and hobbies often. From music, sports and trade to drawing and finally to photography where Milos found his true interest. After gaining knowledge in technical principles of photography and basics in image creating, Milos went for a new adventure in Prague and started his studies at Film and TV school of Performing arts where he developed his passion for photography.


Milos is exploring different aspects of society and its correlations through portraits, conceptual and art projects, collaborations with other artists and creators. Interested in human nature with all its wonders and creations of man, their communications and misconnections.


Milos works and lives with his family in Belgrade, Serbia.

Visiting home

Visiting home is an urban-photographic study of contemporary forced migrations. A social phenomenon, that permeates our social structures around the world, without asking for permission. No longer there has to be a war that directly affects people in one community but it can be on sovereign territory far away and still have large scale impact on community, (its mental health, financial freedom, hopes and dreams) economics and social structure. It can move the vast numbers of people in matter of days. Change is inevitable. Hard. Sudden.


At the same time this phenomenon with all its byproducts is spread beyond one or more borders to other sovereign countries. Affecting other communities, lives and economics. Demographics, social life even financial structure and power is affected and transformed.


Such a change came from far to Serbia. Almost over night, transported by Air Serbia in economy class for the 1st class prices, Russian citizens left their comfortable beds and came to a new foreign country. Did they find new comfortable bed? Did they start new life here with us?


In its title, art project Visiting home, carries the core of its need for existence, people setting new homes in a new country. Here in Serbia, we welcomed Russians who came to seek for something different. A break. A chance. Life itself for sure and I want to photograph them, explore, raise questions how they feel and what is their new home like and is it? Also, to ask how we Serbians, accepted this change and what really changed in our lives? Questions are what we need at the moment in 21st century society in order to have a conversation. Visiting home is a conversation between the two.

In its title, art project Visiting home, carries the core of its need for existence, people setting new homes in a new country. Here in Serbia, we welcomed Russians who came to seek for something different. A break. A chance. Life itself for sure and I want to photograph them, explore, raise questions how they feel and what is their new home like and is it? Also, to ask how we Serbians, accepted this change and what really changed in our lives? Questions are what we need at the moment in 21st century society in order to have a conversation. Visiting home is a conversation between the two.


Storyteller is a long term project that focuses on portraits of creative individuals from different kids of artistic fields and backgrounds. Each portrait carries a story unique to the person and beautiful one to share. From actors, musicians, movie directors, artists and many more set in front of the camera and showed their truth, personal and vulnerable.

By the way

“In the distance I heard slow sweet music. I went towards the sounds. It was hot day. I was happy. Drank some water from the spring. Birds. Smell of fields. A nap. Salty cheese. I arrived and so she did. And there she was. Sweet, innocent and happy. Hello daughter. Welcome.”

“As young Greek mythical creature danced on the table in the garden of sins, goddesses worshipped his body under the moon light. Touched by desire calmly he moved in the rhythm of the far stars. Gods envied. Ancestors blushed. Create and be free. Love is you.”

We are Earth

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WE ARE EARTH is an environmental awareness raising art project.


Whatever we, humans, do to Earth eventually comes back to us.


Radoslava Boor

Project author – concept and Art Direction


Milos Nesic


Music: Tasos Stamou ©


Cornered is a photography performance, executed in Belgrade during the longest 84hour curfew that lasted from17/4/2020, 5 pm to 21/4/2020, 5 am. The artist has positioned himself as into a painted corner, shooting a single self-portrait every hour on the hour, during the entire period of 84hour lockdown. Artist was leaving the studio after every shotand kept coming back on hourly basis.

Subject of this act are time, space and abolition of free will and personal choice. The corner represents the inability to freelymove while mind is being paralyzed, thus reducing one’s mental space. The artist is explicitly leaving everything else every hour to take self-portrait, by this he is executing the order and by cramming himself into a corner like beingpunished, thus becoming obedient.

Using time in extremely limited conditions, through monotonous repetition, Milos is transforming social obedience andsuffering into a tool to create political element in order to raise more philosophical questions. Are force and humiliation justified for the purposes of control, are isolation and solitary universal circumstances of human beings, among others.With this fundamental exsistencial investigation, Milos goes through an experiment that becomes universal, consequentlyplacing each individual in the same position.

Final result are 85 photographs and a video in length 1:37:08 and ratio 4:3.